Male Andropause

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Male Andropause

Unlike female menopause where the ovaries stop working and hormone levels plummet, in men, hormone production and therefore the body’s availability of testosterone declines over many years. This is called the andropause.

A man’s testosterone level declines 1% a year from the age of 30. Since men have very differing levels of testosterone, deficiency symptoms can present at any time with a wide range of symptoms.


Erectile dysfunction
Reduced libido
Fewer spontaneous erections
Testicular shrinkage
Night sweats
Increased sleepiness
Fatigue and lethargy
Low self esteem
Low motivation
Increased body fat
Reduced muscle mass, bulk and strength
Decreased bone mineral density

Lifestyle factors can affect testosterone levels. Stress and various medications cause a decline in testosterone levels. Exercise and good nutrition optimise testosterone levels.

+ Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy:

  • Increases muscle mass, strength, endurance and stamina
  • Improves libido and sexual performance
  • Protects against cardiovascular disease, decreases the risk of hypertension (high BP)
  • Decreases body fat, increases lean muscle mass
  • Helps cognitive function and memory
  • Lowers insulin resistance and protects against diabetes
  • Testosterone is contraindicated in active prostate cancer but can be used after treatment for prostate cancer.

At a consultation we look at lifestyle and medical problems. A blood test (to be done at 9 am) will reveal hormone levels for testosterone and DHEA – the adrenal hormone .

Careful prostate assessment is also necessary with PSA levels (blood test )and ultrasound tests if clinically indicated and referral to a urologist if necessary.

We review treatment at regular intervals with blood tests and a consultation.
