
Menopause occurs when a woman stops having periods and her ovaries cease to produce hormones.  The average age of menopause is 50 but can occur between 45-55.

Premature menopause is when ovaries cease to function below the age of 40.

There is a huge variation in the progression and type of symptoms women experience.

Some women find their periods stop suddenly and may have associated symptoms. Other women find that their periods can become irregular with intermittent symptoms which is termed peri-menopause and is caused by fluctuating hormone levels. For any hormonal issue or imbalance, our starting point is always the proprietary medications available from any high street pharmacy.

Menopausal symptoms are caused by the decline in hormone production. As well as oestrogen, there are other hormones which may need replacing. These include progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, pregnenolone and melatonin.

+ Common Symptoms of Menopause

Night sweats / Hot flushes / Anxiety / Low mood / Irritability / Difficulty sleeping / Depression / Muscle loss / Fatigue / Pain on intercourse / Low libido / Vaginal Dryness / Lethargy / Poor memory and concentration / Weight gain / Dry eyes / Joint pains / Thin skin and hair / Bladder problems / Migraines

+ Things to do at home

  • Healthy Diet
  • Exercise
  • Lower alcohol intake
  • Menopause supplements
  • Yoga and meditation

Whilst the above measures are important for overall health, replacing hormones is necessary for bone, cardiovascular and brain protection.

+ The conventional approach

  • Conventional HRT from your GP Bio-identical hormones are available on the NHS as Oestrogel (Oestradiol) and Utrogestan (Progesterone). Testosterone is not commonly prescribed by GPs.
  • Cognitive Behavioral therapy.
  • Anti-depressants (SSRIs) have been shown to help alleviate hot flushes and mood symptoms (can be helpful for women who cannot have hormones).
  • Acupuncture.

+ Our approach at London Hormone Clinic

  • We prescribe body identical hormones (licensed or compounded) to manage symptoms and achieve optimum health. The hormones we use are oestradiol/oestriol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA.
  • Address lifestyle factors which may be contributing to symptoms.
  • Nutrition and exercise advice.
  • Additional supplements which may be required.